
Consistent Action | #12

Jan 26, 2023

Consistent action gets you results. This is where true growth comes from. It’s the boring work that you have to do every single day. And, all you have to do is just show up and you will get results.

In business, reaching out to new people every day got me results. On YouTube, posting multiple times a week for a year got me results. In fitness, running/lifting did little after every workout, but over the course of months and years, the results compounded.

Looking back, I actually think I learned this lesson from a video game in high school: Runescape. In that game, you need to do the same boring repetitive task for hundreds of hours to get the max level. It taught me to show up and push through the boring work so I can reap the benefits in the end (runecrafting am I right?)

Showing up every day and doing the work in your business is necessary. At the end of each day it might not look like you moved the needle forward, but look back in a year and your business will have leaped miles ahead.

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