
Outcome Vs Effort | #11

Jan 24, 2023

It’s that time of year again where everyone’s got their New Year Resolutions. “I’ll lose 15 lbs”, “I’ll make $100k this year”, “I’ll get 25k Instagram followers.”

The reason why so many don’t stick to their resolutions is that they are focusing on the outcome.

Focusing on the outcome is a surefire way to fail (I’ve been very guilty of this).

Instead, try focusing on your effort.

Effort is something you can control. You’re the one that dictates how hard you work. Focusing on effort gives you small wins, and those small wins add up. They keep you motivated so that you keep working, and they give you real results at the same time.

Instead of saying you’ll lose 15 pounds, say you’ll stop eating sugar after 6 pm, workout for 30 mins every other day, and you won’t drink beer on weekdays.

Instead of saying you want to make $100k, focus on reaching out to 15 new prospects each and every day.

Instead of saying you want to reach 25k IG followers, create a plan that allows you to post a reel every day.

All these small wins will add up. You won’t get discouraged because your goal isn’t the end result, your goal is the process.

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