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Overcoming Limiting Beliefs in Your Creative Business | 82

Jun 24, 2023

Ever caught yourself saying, "Why can't I get clients, despite everyone praising my work?" If so, you're not alone. This is something many photographers, including myself, have needed help with.

Today, we will dive deep into this issue and destroy the limiting beliefs that limit your growth.

The world doesn't owe us clients or business success, no matter the quality of our work.

While this truth might initially come off as cold, it's a reality that you need to understand.

Many photographers and videographers fall into what I like to call the "entitlement trap."

We invest in high-quality cameras, hone our craft, and create stunning portfolios. At this point, we find ourselves to be great photographers or videographers.

But there's a critical disconnect occurs. Being a great photographer or videographer does not mean you deserve clients.

The skills required to produce great photography and those needed to attract clients are very, very different. Client acquisition is a game of business.

Now, let's delve deeper into this "entitlement trap." Despite their undeniable talents, photographers often do nothing more than sit and wait for clients to come to them. This passive approach gets fueled by the belief that their beautiful portfolios should be enough to attract clients.

The real world doesn't work that way. A great portfolio is just one piece of the puzzle. It needs to be accompanied by proactive outreach and business strategy.

Just because we have incredible portfolios doesn't mean potential clients will magically discover them.

The job of getting your portfolio in front of the right eye rests solely on you. This could involve various strategies, such as cold messaging via email or direct messages, investing in paid ads, or leveraging social media platforms. The point is we need to take action and be the drivers of our success.

The key message here is that the world doesn't owe us clients. We must earn them through our efforts. It's essential to move away from the entitlement mindset and instead adopt a proactive approach where we take responsibility for our own business success.

Building a Growth Mindset

Now, let's shift gears and talk about the importance of a growth mindset. This means acknowledging your skills, talents, and abilities can evolve with dedication and hard work. There's always room for growth and improvement.

When we decide we want to start a creative biz, we need to gain business skills. We need to grow as entrepreneurs.

Identifying your goals is a crucial step toward growth. Whether you're aiming to secure a single client or build a large photography agency with a dozen employees, understanding where you are now, where you want to be, and the steps you need to take to get there is vital.

Once you've mapped out your path, it's time to implement consistent action. Be proactive in your approach, audit your progress, and grow as an entrepreneur.

Remember, success rarely happens overnight. It's often the result of countless small steps taken consistently over time.