
Stop Wasting Money On This | #47

Apr 04, 2023

Limited Resources Will Make You Better

You don’t need that new camera. You don’t need a big studio space. You don’t need that new laptop.

It’s easy to blame outside circumstances on why you’re not successful.

“I’d have a successful photography business too if I had a huge studio space.”

“If only I had that nice camera, I’d start posting YouTube videos.”

“I can’t get clients because I don’t have enough lighting equipment.”

These are all just excuses we tell ourselves. I’ve fallen into this trap before. I thought my YouTube channel wasn’t growing because the camera I used wasn’t good enough. I wanted that $4,000 camera that all the big YouTubers had. That had to be the secret to their success.


The secret to their success was showing up consistently every single week for years. The secret isn’t glamorous. It’s stupid simple. It’s just doing the hard work over and over again.

Very few people will notice an upgraded camera. But everyone will notice you not posting a video.

The same thing goes for client work. I’ve done almost all of my product photography client work in a 10’x10’ room. That’s a tiny studio.

But it doesn’t hold me back. I’m able to create incredible tabletop scenes that have helped 50+ clients with their sales.

Sure, I’d like a bigger space, but I don’t need it. I’m able to do the important work in the space I have.

I’m limited by this space, and it actually makes me more creative. With constraints, your creativity will flourish.

If you’re putting off starting product photography because you don’t have a studio space, just start in your living room. Take your table, and build out scenes on that. It’s enough space for 95% of the clients out there.

Learn to work with what you have.

Don’t blame outside circumstances and always take responsibility. You are responsible for your success and your failures. Own it.

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