How I plan my perfect week 131 Apr 28, 2024

Part 1: The Review

I start each week with a review of the last. We start with a quick audit of how I showed up that week.

What were my habits/tasks I wanted to accomplish each day? Did I accomplish them? Why or why not?

These questions may seem simple on the surface. But these are actually the...

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What Are You Pretending Not To Know? | 130 Apr 19, 2024

My business coach asked this question a few weeks back and it stuck with me.

What are you pretending not to know?

It’s a question that challenges me to confront the distractions and excuses that get in the way of my success. Let’s dive in.


A world full of shiny objects


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A Creative's Guide To Avoiding Burnout | 129 Apr 12, 2024

Burnout. We’ve all heard of people going through this, maybe you’ve experienced it yourself. Today I’m here to give you the strategies I use to avoid burnout as a creative entrepreneur.


What Does Burnout Look Like?

To prevent burnout, we first need to understand...

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Your Guide to Crafting Winning Proposals | 128 Apr 05, 2024

 Today, we're diving into a crucial step in landing those photo or video gigs - crafting a winning proposal. Stick with me, and you'll see just how smooth this process can become.

Proposals: The Gateway to Your Next Project

First off, understand that without a signed proposal, there's no...

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Why Clients Are Ghosting You | 127 Mar 29, 2024

Does this sound familiar? You heard online that cold email is a great way to get new clients.

You send 100 emails, and 5 brands respond with “Now is not a good time, but we’ll keep you in mind.”

I’ve been there and let me tell you.. getting positive cold email...

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What Your Portfolio Lacks | 126 Mar 22, 2024

Today I want to tackle a common pitfall that many photographers and videographers fall into.

Your portfolio needs improvement.

Now relax. I’m not going to attack your work. Your work is great. You’ve got great photos and beautiful videos, and clients love that.

But there is a...

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How Iā€™d Rebuild From Scratch | 125 Mar 15, 2024

What would I do if I had to start from scratch? No niche, no portfolio, no clients. Just a camera and the skills I have today.

I've broken it down into a 5-step blueprint that's all about focus, strategy, and growth.


1. Find Your Focus: The Power of Niching Down

First things first,...

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Taking Risks vs Acting Reckless | 124 Mar 08, 2024

I quit my 9-5 after landing just one client. The crazy part? It was only a $500 deal. While this may seem reckless on the surface, it was actually a calculated risk. A risk that led to a life I never imagined was possible. Let’s dive in.


 A Calculated Risk

I need to be honest....

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Answer These 3 Questions To Land More Clients | 123 Mar 01, 2024


 What are you selling?

Some people present themselves as a photographer or videographer so they get paid to push a button. Others present themselves as someone who can help a business grow so they get paid accordingly.

Let’s talk about your offer.

We need to set our own...

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Rebuilding A Personal Brand | 122 Feb 23, 2024

Rebuilding A Personal Brand

It’s time for a change.

Thousands of creatives have landed clients, ditched their 9-5s, and started living better lives because of the content I share.

I’ve been a full-time photographer/educator since 2020 and built an audience of 100k+ across platforms.


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Breaking Free From The Social Media Trap | 121 Feb 16, 2024

You've probably heard this a lot: "Post your photos on social media, and clients will come knocking on your door." Sounds easy, right?

Well, I'm here to tell you that's a big lie. Many photographers, maybe even you, have fallen into this trap.

You post day after day, waiting for something to...

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Why photographers should copy Netflix | 120 Feb 09, 2024

What do Amazon, Netflix, and Doordash have in common? What can we learn from them to become world-class photography and videography business owners?

You’ve probably heard the story of how Netflix took down Blockbuster. Netflix approached Blockbuster for a deal in the early 2000s....

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